Need to downsize your family photo collection? Looking to preserve the memories for the future? I can help with that!

Older forms of media have a finite lifetime, film reels and negative strips are prone to mold, printed photos can be destroyed with water damage. Hanging on to these priceless memories is important, and having a digital backup can be a saving grace. Let me help preserve these memories for the future.


Scanning Prices:

Slides  |  $.45c/each
Photos  |  $.30c/each
6-frame film negative strip  |  $2/each
Kodak APS Film Roll  |  $20 each ($15 if already opened)

Film Reels:

Individually priced, between $30-$50 for the average 8mm roll    

VHS/VHS-C/8mm Video Cassette:

1-9  |  $15/each
10-14 |  $14/each
15-24 |  $13/each
25-49 |  $12/each
50+ |  $10/each


Sometimes your photos are already damaged, and that's ok! I can help with restoring them as close to the original as possible, no matter how degraded I will do my best to bring them back so you can share them with your loved ones. Restoration prices are provided with an individual quote based on level of damage and quantity of photos.



Black and white photos can be brought to life with a wash of color - $15/image



Order a beautiful custom-printed album to display your memories. I'll work with you to design the perfect album

Magazine-style flat page album - Starting at $200

High end flatlay album with thick pages and a variety of cover options - Starting at $750


Video Slideshow:

I'll work with you to build a video slideshow that combines collages of images and large individual slides to present your treasured family memories.

Starting at $100


How do you want to receive the digital files?

Digital Download (available for 1 month) is included with your order.

8gb | $5
16gb | $7
32gb | $12
64gb | $18
128gb | $25
256gb | $45

1-5 copies | $7 each
6-10 copies | $6 each
11-15 copies | $5 each
15+ copies | Quote

Ready to get started?